About the Author

Claire Fisher is an ESL professor, Jeopardy! contestant, history buff, and pop culture enthusiast. Since 2012, she has been researching which franchise kills off the most female love interests for a male main character, as well as related issues such as violence in media, women in fiction, and the implications for the real world. Claire is also a Virtual Language Educator with the US State Department, so she is required to tell you the following:

This website is not an official U.S. Department of State website. The views and information presented are the Virtual Educator’s own and do not represent the Virtual English Language Educator Program or the U.S. Department of State.


Male protagonists of long-running franchises tend to be unlucky in love, by which I mean their girlfriends tend to die. The Dead Fictional Girlfriends Research Report tracks and analyzes this phenomenon - its causes, its prevalence, and its implications for the world of entertainment (and beyond).

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