Man vs. Bear: DFGRR Weighs In

May 30, 2024

If you've been on the web this month, you've likely seen this question:

Would You Rather be Alone and Unarmed in the woods with a Bear or a Man?

Infographic on the Causes of Death in DFGRR. Total women studied 212, total dead women 59. Pie chart showing not dead 72.2%, killed by men 23.6%, killed by other 4.2%, killed by bears 0. Bar chart showing the same. Chances of attack by bear 1 in 2.1 million, chances of attack by man 1 in 3. Women killed in the past 25 years in north America, 27,393 killed by men and 30 killed by bears.


Male protagonists of long-running franchises tend to be unlucky in love, by which I mean their girlfriends tend to die. The Dead Fictional Girlfriends Research Report tracks and analyzes this phenomenon - its causes, its prevalence, and its implications for the world of entertainment (and beyond).

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